stamp: n.1.戳子,图章,戳记,印记。2.邮票,印花(税)。3.〔常用 sing.〕标记;特征;记号,痕迹。4.压型器;压断器;杵子;捣击机。5.跺脚,踏脚;【摔角】把势。6.性质,特征;类型;种类。7.〔美俚〕钞票。短语和例子Every article bears the stamp of the maker. 每一种货品上都有制造者标记。 stick a stamp (on
Jeff is back on his old stamping ground dong the thing he loves best 杰夫回到他常去消遣的老地方干他最喜欢的事情去了。
Henry ' s favourite stamping ground when he was a boy was the city ' s docks ? he ' d spend hours wandering round looking at ships 这座城市的修船厂是亨利儿时最爱去的地方?他会转游几个小时,观看各种各样的船只。
The red carpet will be rolled out at old trafford tomorrow when roy keane returns to his old stamping ground as the manager of sunderland , but in november 2005 the former united captain was so frustrated with the club ' s poor form and the attitude of some of his teammates that he confronted his manager about his concerns and accused him of becoming soft 明天曼联将会热烈欢迎以经理身份回到老特拉福德的基恩,但是在2005年11月,前曼联队长却因为对球队糟糕的表现以及部分队员的态度不满与弗格森爵士产生矛盾。